Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New shoes

I opted for a pair of new shoes. Introducing the Brooks women's Adrenaline GTS 8.
I can't wait to try them out!

Friday, August 15, 2008

What a job

My pal 5ksandcabernets has a great link to this story about measuring the Olympic marathon route.
Check this out.

rain and cool temps

Good thing I got the run in last night. It rained this morning.
Did you know that rollerskating for two hours feels like running a 10K?

Thursday, August 14, 2008


My foot still hurts.
Calves are sore.
My lower back is aching.
To hell with the doctors. I'm running anyway!
Cheers to good wine, Advil and exercise. The three usually do the trick anyway.
Motion is lotion, so I'm hitting the streets.
Three months to the San Antonio Rock N Roll Marathon.
Yeah, I'm doing the half.
Since it's 17 weeks out from White Rock, maybe I can follow 5ksandcabernets' sked and pull off 26.2 before the year is up? Just as long as he doesn't make me run intervals at his speeds.
Dude, you run too fast!