Wednesday, December 05, 2007

deja vu, kinda

We had the biggest turnout tonight at Wednesday night run for the first send off for winter season Team in Training events.
The Wellstone Dallas White Rock Marathon is Sunday, the full starts at 8 a.m., along with the relay, and the half at 9, The full and half events have been sold out for weeks now.
NO IPODS.!!! That is another post before Sunday...
Tonight, the WRers did their three miles because we're tapering, while the Austin and Disney full runners did their five. I'll pick up the Austin half schedule next week in my attempt to keep busy.
Our hero Dave and his wife stayed late. They drove up in his new porsche, walked three miles and went to New York Pizza and Pasta with us. We had to pull eight tables of four together. Biggest group yet
We celebrated runners and the December birthdays. Lots of pizza, pasta and wine.
Dave was talking to us about how fast he's taken the Porsche -- 120 mph. He's got a radar detector that not only lets you know when the cops are around, it lets you know how many and where they are. He says she's a sweet ride.
Our winter season shirt says "This one is for Dave." Yep, it's his season. He is no longer in remission.
I've been nostalgic lately. Spiritual, too, but I am in memory mode.
Last year this time I was two months into running and suddenly going to run my first event, the one I'll do on Sunday.
I'm really doing this again for two reasons:
1) It was the first event, always special in my heart.
2)That first event for me, on Dec. 10, 2006, is the day Michael died.
I'll probably always do it for him.

QoD: What are your thoughts about your first event?


Motownrunner said...

My first one was the Indy Half. I did it with my BFFHS -- best friend from high school. I got into running after Randy and I broke up. Randy was my college BF for five years and Rebecca, my BFFHS, got it into her head that we should train together long distance (me in Detroit, she in Chicago) for the Indy Half to get over myself and my break-up glums. It seemed like such an outrageous distance at the time. But I did it! And I was hooked since. I went with my new BF Nick, who is now an old ex. We had a really nice time. I ran it in 2:10. I was in great shape then!! It's amazing that my times keep getting worse!! Who would have thunk??? In any case, there's been so many races since. Detroit, Vancouver, Phoenix, Detroit again, Austin, San Francisco, numerous 5ks and numerous 10ks. The crim twice. How's that for a comment??? There seems to be a lot of ex-motivated running in my life.

liz said...

ex-motivated running? ay..