Saturday, March 10, 2007

Clear and 80 degrees

Early March and it already feels like summer.
The earth is enjoying getting green again.
(Sorry you North and Easterners)!
Isn't this a beauty? Bradford Pear, wonderful spring-flowering tree.
This was a wonnderful day that began at 5:30. Saturday morning run at Grapevine started at 6:45 as the sun rose.
It was funny -- today's clinic was about injuries. I have a nagging one.
I was told ice, massage, gentle movement, patience and time would heal my knee and the IT band.
Everyone seems to think that it won't affect my marathon training and I have plenty of time to prepare before June 3.

Meanwhile, here's Niki enjoying romping around the yard. I had interrupted her snacking on grass.
She's getting frisky but still can't stand being either inside or outside for too long.
She is ready for her spring shave.
I'm welcoming the sun.
PSA: Anyone reading this who plans to find themselves in the Dallas area March 30-31, come to our Team in Training Wine-tasting and Silent Auction in Grapevine.
Local wines, food, goodies, etc.
It's $25 a ticket and goes to a good cause. : )
Can you believe it's almost summer?!


Motownrunner said...

it was 55 degrees here yesterday!! that's prolly the equivalent of 80 in texas.

Motownrunner said...

new post, please?

Anonymous said...

Niki is absolutely beautiful. I miss my Jazmine a ton...