Monday, March 01, 2010

Starting over?

I don't even know if I know how to do this anymore, but here it goes -- I had my yearly physical today and the first thing my doctor asked me was if I was training for anything. Answer was, 'no, but I want to be.' He asked what I was waiting for? He wants me to lose 10 pounds and get back on track. He's a runner, too. I gues that's what was left, an order from the doctor. I guess I'll just look at it that way.
But really, I was only ever centered when I was running and training for something. So, as I get ready to work a night shift tonight, I'll wear my Team in Training workout shirt, my running shoes, and maybe I'll work on a running plan. There's time for a half marathon somewhere this summer.

1 comment:

Motownrunner said...

perfect!!!! i've been missing your posts. when you post i feel inspired and i go out and run too. so get cracking missy!!!! xxoxoxo