Monday, March 29, 2010

Good Monday morning

Just got back last night from a weekend in Los Angeles for an association board meeting that I serve on. The weather was beautiful. I did not. Take running gear, and after seeing the hills, I'm kinda glad I didn't.
I wasn't able to really watch my food intake very well -- stuck in meetings, no choice in foods they served, latenights and early mornings, etc. How did those excuses sound? Yeah, lame.
The truth is, it takes a lot of planning to get on a well-balanced diet, just like it takes for a training program. Both need the commitment to make them work in tandem.
I used to think if I signed up for a program and an event, I'd force myself into it. Well, that only worked once, and the last time I tried it, I got injured. But the first time I leapt into it as a new way of life, I changed my life -- lost 35 pounds and ran a half marathon and my first 26.2.
I've tried to go back there, to that place. Maybe I've thought about it all wrong.
I told MotownstepmomRunnerGirl that it's like trying to re-create the best time, like a party. You can't. But, you can hope to get as close as possible, with nearly the same results.
That is my quest, today.

1 comment:

Running Diva Mom said...

just found your blog -- looking forward to following your journey